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What Should a Roofing Estimate Include? Here’s Your Checklist


What should homeowners look for when getting roofing estimates from an Orange County Roofer? Surprisingly, the required information is fairly direct and, when presented correctly, easily understood. Bear in mind, however, that estimates generally come in one of two forms. A roofing contractor may choose to email a digital copy to an interested homeowner. Or this professional could opt to provide a printed hard copy. Most people are fine with either version. However, if you have a preference, be sure to let your prospective contractor know.  

Once your estimate is in hand, here’s what you should see in the document. First, a comprehensive estimate will present a clear list of materials designated for the job. Details are important here. Shingles, for instance, should specify the brand, the material composition, and the color. Similar specifics also should be provided for any other materials, such as flashing. You don’t need a lengthy dissertation, mind you. Just enough information to provide clarity. If the picture is in the least bit fuzzy, insist on more details. Don’t be satisfied with anything less.  

Another important item for the estimate is the cleanup process. Once an Orange County Roofing Company completes a project, discarded materials must be dealt with. This means the diligent crew will be plucking abundant debris from the ground. The work, of course, will incur some labor costs, which should be accounted for in the estimate. Other cleanup expenses must be revealed, too. These might include dumpster rental or hauling services. Again, make sure the estimate spells out this batch of costs. Otherwise, the final tally could be a major surprise.

As with many other home improvement projects, a roofing service must comply with certain municipal regulations. A qualified Orange County Roofer, therefore, must obtain applicable permits to demonstrate compliance. Remember, government agencies seldom hand out free permits. So, yeah, you’ll be paying for these permission slips. As with all other service expenses, be sure the estimate includes expected permit acquisition costs. Unless you prefer surprises.

An estimate also should include information about an Orange County Roofing Company’s license and insurance coverage. Both say a great deal about a contractor’s reliability.

Last but not least, a roofing estimate should specify the project’s start and finish date, delineating an expected number of labor hours and a total cost for the work. This info not only gives you a heads up regarding project costs; it also provides ample preparation time for the crew’s arrival. And you will need to prepare for this momentous day.  

These, then, are the basic must-haves of a roofing estimate. But even if the estimate is the ultimate in perfection, you don’t want to stop with just one. At minimum, get several other estimates for comparison purposes. By shopping around, you have an excellent chance of getting the best service at the best price.

Yearning to know more about roofing estimates? Just ask a local professional. For instance, if you reside in Laguna Beach, simply present your questions to a qualified Laguna Beach Roofer. It won’t take long to get all the answers you want – and get all the confidence you need to make the best possible decision.   

If you have questions about roofing estimates, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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