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An Up-Close Look at Roofing Warranties


When Orange County Roofers service your home, they’ll likely warranty the work. At least, they should. If they don’t, find new contractors. But even if the job offers this important protection, do you really know what you’re getting?

First, it’s important to know there are three different types of roofing warranties, each with its own purpose. Ideally, you’ll get the entire trio to ensure maximum coverage for your home. By doing so, you’ll be giving yourself the best protection possible. You’ll also be giving yourself abundant peace of mind.     

In the number one position is the manufacturer’s warranty. As the term implies, this protection covers the materials used for a roofing service. Shingles, rain gutters, flashing, and many other items are included in this group. Basically, the warranty ensures that all materials meet a certain minimum standard set by the manufacturer. Should defects show up in any of the products, the maker will foot the bill for repairs and/or replacements. Generally, the coverage period lasts between 10 and 20 years. Which means, you’ll be protected for a substantial amount of time.

A caveat to homeowners regarding manufacturer’s warranties – Typically these protections cover only a single repair or replacement each year. If you need more beyond the limit, you’ll likely be covering the cost of additional work. However, as with many other agreements, these terms may be negotiable. So, discuss the pertinent details with your prospective Orange County Roofing Company before committing to a project. It’s the best way to ensure you get a fair deal and avoid unwelcome surprises.  

In contrast to the manufacturer’s warranty, the workmanship warranty protects against worker  negligence or mistakes. For instance, should your team of Orange County Roofers improperly install shingles, you’d be protected from this oversight. As a result, the cost of necessary repairs and/or replacements would be paid by the provider. Bear in mind, no matter how high the quality of materials used, shoddy installation can set the stage for problems to develop. For this reason, homeowners should insist on an airtight workmanship warranty.

The number three spot in the list is occupied by the extended warranty. This type is very similar to the added protection you might get for your car or favorite household appliances. Basically, it covers labor and materials costs for up to five years beyond the normal protection period. As with all other extended warranties, those designed for roofing work are strictly optional. Again, to get a clear picture of this protection, discuss the topic thoroughly with your chosen Orange County Roofing Company. Don’t agree to anything before you know exactly what you'll be getting.  

Yearning to know more about roofing warranties? Totally understandable. And totally do-able. All it takes to convert your intense curiosity into ready answers is a simple inquiry. With this in  mind, contact a local provider of choice and present your questions to this expert. It’s easy. For instance, if you reside in Laguna Hills, just reach out to a Laguna Hills Roofer. In very short order, you’ll have all the answers you need … and then some.

If you have questions about roofing warranties, Luke Roofing can help. A long-established Orange County Roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for reliable roofing solutions.

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