If you’re a natural-born entertainer, an Orange County roofer may prove extremely valuable. No, they won’t play host to your lively get-togethers. (Although many have sparkling personalities well-suited to the task). Nor will they provide music, dancing, or games. But they may have the ability to create and install a private entertainment space atop your roof. Otherwise known as a rooftop deck, the space offers you and your guests a very special vantage point conducive to breathtaking views and a unique perspective on surrounding scenery. Not only will the deck provide constant enjoyment; it will increase your popularity by leaps and bounds. Yes, a rooftop deck is the height of entertainment in more ways than one.
As previously mentioned, a rooftop deck offers occupants exhilarating views of the local environment. So the last thing you want is an obstruction blocking the show. If commissioned to install such a deck, an Orange County residential roofer will take this potential problem into account. One obstruction they commonly deal with is the overhanging tree. Don’t worry. The roofers probably won’t recommend the uprooting or extreme trimming of your favorite sycamore. But they will give strong consideration to nearby trees before installation begins.
In many cases, an Orange County roofer may recommend placing a deck near an overhanging tree. There are two reasons for this positioning. First, those limbs and branches provide comforting shade, an undeniable advantage during the scorching summer months. Secondly, the extensions offer a certain amount of privacy. Thus, trees can complement a rooftop deck very nicely. So long as they don’t get in the way.
If you have questions about rooftop decks, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer in Capistrano Beach and surrounding areas, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.