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Look Closely Before You Buy


If you’re considering the purchase of a vintage home in OC, this Orange County roofing company strongly recommends you look closely at the rooftop. Aging roofs may be and probably are severely worn. Unless, of course, a reliable Orange County roofing contractor recently has performed a roof replacement on the residence you’re considering. Then you have little to worry about except the plumbing. But that’s not our department.

Vintage homes abound in Orange County. Laguna Beach definitely has its share. If you’re considering the purchase of classic residence in this community, you’ll want an evaluation from a qualified Laguna Beach roofing company such as Luke Roofing. This will alert you to any potential problems well in advance.

What are some of the possible problems commonly associated with worn roofs? Among the most common encountered by commercial roofing contractors are pest invasions, water damage, and deteriorated insulation.  Should any or all of these issues be discovered after you move in, the price tag for correction and repair will be a small fortune. It’s much wiser to get an advance opinion of a qualified Orange County roofing company.

You may be able to spot some of the telltale signs of roofing problems yourself. Obvious ones are missing or broken shingles, crumbling rooftop cement, bent gutter, ongoing dampness in the attic (assuming the home has one), water spots on walls and carpet, and yes, even a lurking creature or two residing comfortably in the attic. Clearly, it’s best to get a roof inspection than to discover furry uninvited guests after you hang your hat.

If you have any questions about roofing issues associated with vintage homes, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofing company, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every need and situation. Whether you need roofing services in Dana Point or anywhere else in OC, you definitely can count on Luke Roofing.

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