Orange County

Welcome to our Orange County Roofing Company Blog. Our goal is to not only offer you the highest quality roofing solutions in Orange County, but also to educate you on best practices, offer roofing contractor tips and inside secrets that only a professional roofer would know. We hope you find this information helpful and invite you to comment and ask questions.

I've been a writer for over 10 years living here in Orange County. I've always been interested in construction, so when Luke Roofing, one of the best Roofing Companies in Orange County asked me to write a few articles for them, it made perfect sense.


Roof Confidence Roof Rain or Shine

Rain, especially so far this year, isn’t always a problem for residents of Orange County. Nevertheless, those drops do fall on occasion. Which means your rooftop may be vulnerable – especially during a fierce downpour. The typical Orange County roofer experiences some of the heaviest activity in the aftermath of an extended storm. Perhaps accompanying winds have blown shingles away. Or maybe undetected leaks have become open doorways to moisture. The puddle in your living room is clear proof of entry. No matter what the situation, however, a heavy rain is an alert to have things checked out. This means an inspection is in order.

Outdoor Inspection Required

If you really trust your expertise on these matters, conduct a preliminary inspection yourself. If you’re less than confident, rely on the assistance of an Orange County roofing company. What are the danger signs that inspections reveal? One of the most obvious is fragments of shingles littering the ground. Something sent them there. And that something likely is wind and rain. But rain damage isn’t always limited to shingles. Also impacted are other parts of the house, such as siding. During an inspection, all possibilities should be covered.

Indoor Issues

Attics are notorious for springing leaks. Therefore, it’s crucial to inspect these upper regions of the home. A variety of Orange County homes have attics. Perhaps you reside in an Aliso Viejo home with an attic. If you want to be sure about this area, have an Aliso Viejo roofer check yours out after a storm. Naturally, you can do it yourself. Hopefully, you enjoy holding a flashlight while crawling through dark spaces.

If you have questions about inspecting your roof after a rainstorm, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Easy Access for a Commercial Building

If you own or manage a commercial building, chances are good that sooner or later roof access will become necessary. Access may be needed for a variety of reason. For instance, for the transporting of equipment and supplies into the structure, or to permit the entry of maintenance personnel. Fortunately, a qualified Orange County commercial roofing contractor can help provide this necessary access with an excellent solution. That solution is a roof hatch. This is a common site on commercial structures. Easily installed by an Orange County roofer, it basically is a horizontal door that fits snugly over a roof opening. A roof hatch may be opened and closed as needed.

Depending on the type of roof to be serviced, roof hatches may vary to fit the situation. Commercial roofers often install one of these doors to replace an existing one. As with other components, the previous hatch may have deteriorated or become damaged. A qualified Orange County roofing company also may install a hatch as part of a new building.

Clearly, a well-sealed, watertight hatch is a high priority. To ensure a secure seal, an Orange County commercial roofer often will employ a flanged design. This precautionary measure is applicable, no matter where a commercial building is located. For instance, you may be considering a new or replacement roof hatch for a commercial building in Newport Beach. Should this be the case, be sure to consult with a qualified Newport Beach commercial roofer before committing to an installation. The firm's professional input can offer you a complete assessment of your roof and a solid basis for a sound decision.

If you have questions about roof hatch installation for a commercial building, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Protecting Your Home from Top to Top

Once you decide to enlist the services of an Orange County roofer to inspect your roof, you’ve taken an important and beneficial step. A professional evaluation of your roof’s overall condition can reveal potential or existing problems, which easily can prove quite costly down the road. Leaks, for instance, might be forming or already marring your roof, without you being any the wiser. An inspection can unveil these hidden issues well before problems such as penetrating rain drops ruin your evening. But don’t expect a professional look-see to limit itself to the exterior. A full roof inspection is performed on the inside and out.

During an interior roof inspection, an Orange County roofing company will take a close look at potential problem zones, such as your attic. What the professionals will be searching for are evidence of leaks and deterioration. Sunlight streaming through the roof is one of the telltale signs of an unwanted opening. During this phase, the question of insulation also may come up. If your home lacks this protective material, or if it is unacceptably worn, an Orange County roofing contractor likely will advise the acquisition or replacement of insulation, as the situation demands.

Once the interior phase is completed, an Orange County roofing company will shift to the roof’s exterior. Again, the professionals will be looking for leaks, and their causes – such as missing shingles. Even if you live in a sunny, rain-limited region such as Aliso Viejo, don’t dismiss the value of an inspection. If leaks are present, it takes only a single rainfall to create floor puddles. It’s best to call an Aliso Viejo roofer to check things out.

If you have questions about roof inspections, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Why Skylights

If you appreciate the warmth and cheer of natural sunlight in your home, a qualified Orange County roofing company can help provide that benefit. This professional team will do so by installing a skylight on your roof. As its name implies, a skylight invites beautiful natural sunlight into your residence. For anyone seeking happier living spaces, this option clearly is the right move. Bright, cheerful sunlight is a proven mood-elevator.  Without stepping outdoors or even flicking a switch, you can enjoy the mood-enhancing light of our nearest star, easily and comfortably. There are, however, other benefits derived from skylight illumination.

The first of these benefits is the obvious one -- lower electric bills. Yes, with the sun supplying abundant illumination, the need for electric power is proportionately reduced. So is the need to get up from a comfortable position to flick on the nearest lamp. With solar illumination shining throughout your living space, you can stay put. And let’s not forget about all that wonderful fresh air flowing into your home, along with the sunshine. An open skylight installed by an Orange County roofer is a great way to improve ventilation.

Bear in mind that, depending on your geographical location, the installation of a skylight also may entitle you to certain energy-related tax savings. Clearly, residents of Orange County should investigate available tax-saving programs associated with such an installation. This could be great news for people living in a sunny locale such as San Clemente. If things seem to work out in your favor, ask a qualified San Clemente roofer about available skylight options.

If you have questions about installing a skylight in your home, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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What an Orange County Roofer Can Do for Your Insurance Premiums

Virtually every homeowner would welcome a reduction in property insurance premiums. But few in this group realize that a qualified Orange County roofer can facilitate such a discount. More on this in a moment. But first a look at one of the possible factors insurance companies consider when writing a property insurance policy. Many people would not guess that this important factor is the roof. Yes, those shingles and tiles do more than shield your living room from leaky rain drops; they also influence the price of your premium.

First and foremost, an insurance company will consider a roof’s age. The reason for this is the value an insurer places on risk. The older the tiles and shingles, the greater the risk of leakage – and therefore internal damage. Insurers work in a world of probabilities, examining and calculating every variable. Not surprisingly, the probability of damage increases with every passing year. So, most likely, will the premium required to cover the rising risk. Over time, the added payments can swell to a tidy sum. And now the reason that an Orange County roofer can prevent this brutal surcharge –

A qualified Orange County roofing company can work this bit of magic by either refurbishing or replacing an aging roof. This, in turn, lowers leakage risk. Down go your premiums. An investment, to be sure. But one that almost certainly will pay off in the long run. Do the math. You can start by getting an estimate from a qualified professional. It’s easy, no matter where you live. Maybe you call Anaheim home. Great! Just call a trusted Anaheim roofer to get a detailed estimate. Then crunch the numbers. It’s that simple.  

If you have questions about how the condition of your roof affects property insurance premiums, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Clearing Up the Roofing Rumors

When rumors spread, they spread fast. This fact of life certainly holds true in the realm of roofing. Because of the persistent myths, homeowners sometimes make uniformed decisions regarding their rooftops. Occasionally, an Orange County roofer must be summonsed to remedy the results of their misguided actions. A far better policy would be to separate fact from fiction as quickly as possible, thereby reducing the possibility of a misstep – a sometimes expensive misstep. Thus, to set things right once and for all, here are several roofing rumors that homeowners should disregard without hesitation.

The Eternal Roof is perhaps the most common of roofing rumors. Many people mistakenly believe that roofs will last indefinitely. Nothing more need be done once those sturdy shingles are strategically positioned atop the happy home -- particularly when said roof is composed of the world’s most durable shingles or tiles. Nothing could be further from the truth. Roofs do wear out. And sooner or later, you’ll require the intervention of a qualified Orange County roofing company to remedy the problem. Those who count on luck also can count on bothersome leaks sooner or later.

Homeowners also fret about the time supposedly needed to repair or replace a roof. In their minds, endless weeks are required for job completion. This is a pure myth. While a certain amount of time will be needed to repair or replace, a qualified professional can expedite the process with little trouble – especially in a warm climate generally free from weather interference. You may, for example, reside in a sunny community such as Laguna Beach. Should you need roof servicing, a qualified Laguna Beach roofer can complete the assignment with incredible efficiency. You can count on it. 

If you have questions about roofing, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Two Advantages for Every Roof

Somewhere, sometime, a wise person arrived at this conclusion – good things come in pairs. Well, that may not be true in all instances, but the wisdom certainly applies to the benefits of roof eaves. Two very definite advantages are offered by these overhangs. When an Orange County roofer installs a roof with eaves, this professional automatically provides these benefits -- along with a great addition to the house. Homeowners, however, aren’t always aware of the advantages intrinsic to the overhangs. Therefore, to provide some insight and a deeper appreciation of the sometimes-neglected eave, here is an overview of what they bring to the table. 

First, is their aesthetic appeal. An Orange County roofer that installs a roof with eaves is providing a house covering that universally is appreciated. People the world over typically enjoy the stylish look they lend to a home of any size. In their minds, fans of these overhangs see a roofing choice that makes a home look more like a, well, home. The alternative, of course, is a roof that comes to a stop flush with the exterior wall. This alignment gives homes a boxy, geometric appearance. Naturally, preferences are a personal matter. But if a ‘homey’ residence is your heart’s desire, eaves are the way to go.  

The other benefit offered by eaves is comfort, particularly during the blistering summer months. If you own a home in a sunny locale, these overhangs are a true blessing. Why? Because they provide welcome shade to a home’s exterior. Anyone who owns a home in a sunny community such as Irvine will appreciate the shady comfort they supply. Those considering a new roof in this city (or any other city) may want to consult an Irvine roofer to learn more about the advantages of the stylish, shade-providing eave. 

If you have questions about roof eaves, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.


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Beware the Valley of the Leaves

A qualified Orange County roofer is well-prepared to solve a full range of roofing problems.  These problems can be anything from a loose tile to a gaping leak. The latter, of course, is especially troublesome during the generally wetter winter season. Leaks don’t play favorites with roofing locations. They can be found anywhere and everywhere. One of the most common places these openings may be discovered is your roof’s valley. As the name suggests, a roof valley is region where two downward sloping sections of a rooftop meet. Ironically, the downward angle is designed to guide water off the roof and into the nearest rain gutter. But alas, things don’t always go as planned. When you least expect it, a small (or occasionally not-so-small) opening forms in this joining of roof sections. And the next thing you know, it’s raining indoors. 

One of the biggest culprits behind the valley leakage phenomenon is leaf bundling. Over time, fallen leaves can accumulate in these junctures, causing corrosive rust to form. The corrosion, in turn, wears away the tiles beneath, finally creating a hole and the perfect opening for unwanted water drops. A qualified Orange County roofing company can help prevent leaf accumulation by inspecting your roof for the debris. Thereafter, a simple and quick leaf removal can prevent costly problems before they arise.

Right now, you can take advantage of the sunny Orange County weather to check for leaf accumulation. If, for instance, you reside in Newport Beach, enlist the services of a Newport Beach roofer to perform this important task. Or tackle the job yourself if so inclined. Either way, this simple preventative measure could eliminate the need for costly leak repairs and prove very beneficial to your personal finances down the road. 

If you have questions about preventing leaks in roof valleys, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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A Solid Contract is Solid Protection

You’ve combed the landscape, and after hours of exhausting effort, you’ve found the perfect Orange County roofer. But if you think the legwork is finished, taking you off the hook, you’re in for a major surprise. True, you’re to be commended for the time and energy thus far invested. It’s helped you find a suitable professional with the skill necessary to inspect, repair, or replace your roof. But you also must make certain that you and your chosen Orange County roofing company are on the same page. And the only way to do that is by securing an agreement that spells out clearly the terms and conditions of the service to be performed. Signing this important document acknowledges your full understanding of the content contained therein. Don’t take this contract lightly. If you’re uncertain about any of its components, ask for clarification or consult an expert who can shed light on troubling ambiguities. 
When reviewing a contract between you and an Orange County roofer, bear in mind the following. First, insist on details. Simply stating that you’re to receive new flashing, shingles, or other components isn’t enough. Ideally, you’ll want to know what kind and in what quantity (among other things).  
Also, know in advance as much as possible about payment terms. How much of a deposit will be required and how many days do you have to cancel? And while we’re on the topic of timeliness, it’s also important to know when your Orange County roofing company will arrive to perform the agreed-upon work. Since inclement weather can strike any time, rescheduling may be necessary. Nevertheless, a clearly delineated time frame will help you set reasonable parameters and expectations. Sure, a sunny locale such as Costa Mesa rarely experiences harsh weather. Still, you’ll be much better off establishing a reliable time frame with your chosen Costa Mesa roofer. 
If you have questions about securing a contract with a roofing company, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.
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Look Closely Before Choosing an Orange County Roofer

There may not be a ‘get-to-know your roofer week’ (not yet). Nevertheless, a certain familiarity with the track record and character of a prospective Orange County roofer is crucial. This means get to know all you can about the qualifications of this dedicated professional.

The path to knowledge here is something we do or have done at some point – research. Yes, homeowners on the hunt for a person capable of installing or repairing their beloved roof should probe all available informational sources. Barring an uncanny ability to foretell the future, such research is the best way to gauge the reliability of a roofing candidate.

Homeowners can avail themselves of numerous informational resources. Consider, for instance, the current favorite of people everywhere – the online review. Many an Orange County roofing company will post glowing reviews on their website, and satisfied customers will do the same on popular zones such as Yelp.

The counterpart to these reviews is the testimonial, which often may be found shouting good and loud on a provider’s website. Homeowners also may step outside the digital domain and go directly to local business-monitoring organizations and bureaus for company-related data. Possible grievances and other revealing insights are recorded at these facilities and are readily available to the curious.

Another key qualifier is the existence of an actual office or other physical structure housing the roofer’s business. Whatever you do, don’t rely on a P.O. box to prove legitimacy. Confirm the company’s physical location, even if you must take time out of your day to drop by for a look-see. This is easy to do. Perhaps you live in a coastal city such as Laguna Beach. Once you’re interested in a roofing company, visit the facility of this Laguna Beach roofer at your convenience. It won’t take long. And it will help ensure you make a safe and reliable choice.

If you have questions about selecting a roofer, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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What’s Your Roof’s Perfect Color?

It’s amazing. Homeowners will go to great lengths to choose the color of their walls, carpeting, and furniture. But when it comes selecting the hue of their roof shingles, these same people often are surprisingly indifferent. Not that they’re committed to drab coloration for their rooftop. It’s just that most people think that the natural tone of rooftop shingles is something in the neighborhood of gray. But in today’s world, those limitations just don’t hold. A qualified Orange County roofing company can install shingles in a variety of colors. Yes, your rooftop can be something much more interesting than ho-hum. 
Before deciding what type of shingles an Orange County roofer should install, consider the style of your home. Shingle coloration that works perfectly for a sleek contemporary showplace may be all wrong for a classic colonial. Know well in advance how your color choice fits the style of your current residence. Also important to know is how it will look from afar. In today’s real estate market, suitable curb appeal is critical. An appealingly-colored rooftop adds to your home’s street-view attractiveness – and therefore to its value in the marketplace. This is especially important if you’re planning to sell down the road. 
If you’re not sure what colors work best, a neighborhood exploration could provide welcome insights. Journey through your community to get a sense of what works. You might, for instance, reside in Mission Viejo. Explore the local streets to see what grabs you. This will save time and energy when you finally enlist the services of a Mission Viejo roofer to install new shingles. 
If you have questions about color selection for shingles, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.
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A Plus and Minus View of Three-Tab Shingles

Often, an Orange County roofer will be called into action to install new shingles. The possibilities, of course, are virtually limitless, with new types entering the picture all the time. Naturally, the characteristics of roofing materials vary from shingle to shingle. Choice depends on needs, goals, and budgets. Among the many excellent choices currently in vogue are the 3-tab asphalt shingles. As its name implies, a 3-tab asphalt shingle consists of three evenly-spaced asphalt tabs. This even spacing gives them a very consistent, well-ordered appearance. 
As with any roofing component, the popular 3-tabber has both advantages and disadvantages. First on the plus side is their lower expense. Any time an Orange County roofing company installs these shingles, you can expect to pay less than you would for many other types. Also contributing to their lower cost is the ease with which they can be fixed if damaged. An Orange County roofer summonsed to repair these will be spending a relatively short amount of time on the job. And that translates to a lower overall expense tab. 
On the minus side, 3-tab asphalt shingles are not exactly bastions of strength. In severe weather, including high winds and heavy rains, this type probably won’t hold up as well as other choices. If you own a home in a city such as Newport Beach, you probably aren’t particularly concerned about inclement weather conditions. Nevertheless, before you select 3-tab asphalt shingles for your rooftop, it’s advisable to consult a Newport Beach roofer to determine if you’re making the optimum choice. As in most other matters, it’s best to be prepared well ahead of time. 
If you have questions about three-tab shingles, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.
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An Orange County Roofer’s Guide to a Winter-Ready Roof

Tis the season to be jolly. But seasonal smiles rapidly vanish when the local winter wonderland turns dismal. All too often, dipping temperatures and howling winds wreak havoc during this jolly time of year. Not surprisingly, one of the places havoc is wreaked is on the rooftop. No home if free of risk, even in the sunny climes of Orange County, California. Fortunately, the solution is simple: be prepared. You won’t need to enlist the services of an Orange County roofing company to achieve a prime state of readiness. The job can be accomplished by conducting your own inspection. It’s fast, easy, and low-cost – exactly what you need any time of year. 
When an Orange County roofer does any wintertime repairs, the problem often stems from these sources: missing shingles, sagging roof ridge, or damage from a snapped-loose tree limb. Also known for causing problems are rain gutters clogged with leaves. Your job as inspector is to check the rooftop for these issues. Yes, you’re squeezed for time during this busy season. Nevertheless, don’t rely on a quick, ground-level glance. Elevating yourself level with the rooftop will be necessary to ensure a complete view of the territory. (Ladders are the preferred method.) If any of the previously-mentioned problems are sighted, don’t worry. They easily can be corrected by the intervention of a qualified Orange County roofer. 
Should you not be up to the task of inspecting your roof, you always can hand the assignment to a professional. Don’t take chances. Even if you live in a sunny community such as Laguna Hills, winter can be a beast – particularly during January and February. Call a qualified Laguna Hills roofer to do the job. It's a great way to be prepared well ahead of time.  
If you have questions about preparing your roof for winter, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.
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Your Roof’s Hidden Protector

During the installation of an asphalt roof, an Orange County roofing company will take preliminary steps to ensure success. One step might be covering the top of your home with something called roll roofing. Rest assured, the name refers to the form in which it arrives from the factory -- not its behavior. Essentially, it is a rolled-up mat, similar to a carpet prior to installation. The primary function of this mat is to add an extra layer of protection to your rooftop. Variety typifies this protective layer. In fact, an Orange County roofer has the option to install one of three kinds. 
Your Orange County roofing company, for instance, can protect your home with smooth surfaced roll roofing. Coated with asphalt, its main function is to seal protruding areas, as well as eaves and valleys. A second type, saturated felt roll roofing, is the professional’s choice when laying down a protective layer between the roof deck and asphalt shingles. 
Mineral surfaced roll roofing probably will not be used for the typical Orange County residence. That’s because the material generally is employed as a protective layer for special structures. Coated with mineral granules, this type of roll roofing often finds itself on sheds, barns, storage buildings, and the like. 
No matter where you live, roll roofing adds an extra layer of protection to your home. But be sure to ask a professional about your options. If, for instance, you reside in Dana Point, consult a Dana Point roofer on the topic of roll roofing. You’ll find the information both enlightening and rewarding. 
If you have questions about roll roofing, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.
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The Untold Story of Asphalt Shingles

After an Orange County roofer improves your home with the installation of asphalt shingles, residents typically react with extreme pleasure. And understandably so. After all, the new roof offers both aesthetic appeal and improved protection against the elements. There’s more here, however, than meets the eye. What you’re seeing atop your home is in fact the result of a long process that begins in a manufacturing facility. What appears to you as a shiny new roof is the product of arduous planning and construction. Without the substantial effort and energy that goes into shingle creation, asphalt shingles would be an impossibility.  
The story of the asphalt shingle begins with its assembly. Long before an Orange County roofing company orders the roof coverings, a manufacturer must piece together a variety of elements. The first and primary element used in asphalt shingle construction is fiberglass. This takes the form of a specially-designed mat made of glass fibers. Varying in length, the fibers are laid out in a carefully-arranged pattern to maximize strength. Once this step is completed, the mat is covered by a coat of asphalt. But the story doesn’t end with this all-important coating. As a final touch, mineral granules are added to the asphalt. These particles help the newly-coated shingle to resist harsh or inclement weather. 
Owners who protect their homes with asphalt shingles gain numerous benefits. It doesn’t matter where your residence is located. You may, for instance, reside in the city of Irvine. Once an Irvine roofer installs asphalt shingles, you can expect your roof to withstand wind and rain with reliable consistency, require little maintenance (if any), and stand up well to all temperatures. 
If you have questions about asphalt shingles, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.
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Why Roofers Know the Right Moves

When an Orange County roofer responds to a call for help, homeowners generally see only one side of this professional. That’s the friendly, concerned side that projects a commitment to provide the best solutions and assistance possible. But there’s another facet of this dedicated person – one that is ever-present, though subtly in the background. This facet is the accumulated knowledge guiding each Orange County roofer in every move and decision. As with any other discipline requiring skill and planning, this storehouse of information is indispensable for success. Yes, there’s a lot inside the head of any professional working in the roofing industry. 
The knowledge possessed by professionals working for an Orange County roofing company covers quite a bit of territory.  Many questions must be answered before a job commences, particularly when dealing with a large building. A commercial roofer, for instance, must know answers to questions such as “what kind of building is being serviced and what primarily is it used for?”  They also must know the anticipated duration of a roof and the type of maintenance needed to maximize the length of time it will function properly. These, of course, are only some of the questions requiring accurate answers prior to the beginning of any roofing job.  
Naturally, a residential roofer also has questions to answer prior to servicing the roof of a home. If you live in a city such as San Juan Capistrano, for example, your San Juan Capistrano roofer will have to figure out things like “what kind of roof access will there be for crew and equipment?”  Fortunately, these professionals have the knowledge base necessary to provide all the required answers. 
If you have questions about professional roofers, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.
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So You Want to Paint Your Roof

A qualified Orange County roofer can do much to improve your roof. The list of possibilities includes everything from minor touch-ups to complete roof replacement. But one improvement that seldom gets mentioned is painting. That’s right. It’s entirely possible to improve the aesthetic appeal of your rooftop by giving it a coat of paint. If up to the task and feel especially artistic, homeowners can do the job themselves. Often, this is done with the assistance of family and friends susceptible to pleas for help. Or homeowners can bring professionals on board to carry out the mission. Either way, the results can be quite pleasing.

Whether you do the job yourself, hire an Orange County roofing company, or call in professional painters, you’ll likely have questions about the process. One of these is: will paint have any negative impact on my roof? In most cases, the answer would be ‘no’.  Paint has very little impact on shingles. In fact, many an Orange County roofer would say that paint provides a protective coating that enables shingles to last longer. It’s important to remember, however, that not just any type of paint will serve the purpose. The recommend kind for rooftops is latex-based.

The great thing about painting your roof is that the improvement is suitable for virtually any type of roof in any type of community. But no matter where you live, it’s beneficial to get professional advice early-on. If, for example, you reside in Anaheim, consult with a qualified Anaheim roofer about the painting process. The professionals there will offer top-flight guidance that can help you make the very best decision.

If you have questions about painting your roof, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Solid Solution for Low Sloping Roofs

Often, low can be good thing for your household. Low energy usage, low grocery bills, low interest rates. All add up to more money in your pocket, wallet, or wherever you stash the cash. Low is not necessarily a good thing, however, when it applies to the slope of your roof. Many homes have what are known as low sloping roofs. How do you know if your roof is classified as such? It will take an Orange County roofing company to determine for sure.  But as a rule, a roof with this designation has a 4” vertical rise for each foot of horizontal space covered. 
What’s the big issue with low sloping roofs? Why should there be concern over the angle of a house covering?  Well, the biggest problem associated with these roofs is potential weather damage. The lower the roof angle, the more blistering direct sunlight hits those all-too-vulnerable shingles. Over the years, this incessant assault on roofing materials can take its toll, causing accelerated deterioration to your beautiful rooftop. Moreover, the low angle invites more unwanted water entry – rain simply doesn’t run off as well at a flatter angle. 
Low sloping roofs also are vulnerable to snow and other climatic phenomenon, but likely the little white crystals won’t be a factor to residents of Orange County. 
Orange County locals nevertheless can get protection for homes with low sloping roofs. Perhaps you have one of these houses in a city such as San Clemente. If you’re getting a new roof, a San Clemente roofing company can apply a multi-layer shingles during installation. This will minimize unwanted water entry and help your roof last longer. 
If you have questions about low sloping roofs, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.
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Star Power for Your Shingles

With abundant attention justifiably focused on solar panels, another rooftop environmentally-friendly element generally is overlooked. That element is the shingle. That’s right. When an Orange County roofer installs a shingle, this professional might be installing environmental friendliness atop your home. How so? Well, take the asphalt shingle as an example. Without much effort, these layerings protect your home from brutal elements such as direct sunlight. With sun heat minimized, so is the need to crank up the air conditioning. That, in turn, is a major positive for both the environment and your available funds.  

Interestingly, an Orange County roofing company may be able to go one better by installing shingles with the popular ENERGY STAR™ rating. Shingles with this certification provide some of the same benefits offered by household appliances bearing the same rating. Perhaps you’re wondering how a simple shingle qualifies for this designation? After all, it doesn’t produce or use energy per se. True. But shingles nowadays are available with a reflective coating. If the shingle meets the minimum solar reflectance requirement, it may qualify for the rating. By reflecting sunlight, rooftops made of this material significantly lower indoor temperatures and ultimately save energy. Thus, the ENERGY STAR™ rating. Additionally, this certification can provide certain tax advantages, depending on where you live.

A sunny area such as Tustin would benefit immensely by reflective shingles. If your home is in that community, you may want to call a qualified Tustin roofing company for more information. The result could be lower air conditioning bills, an ENERGY STAR™ rating, and higher balances in your bank account.

If you have questions about environmentally-friendly shingles, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.

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Correcting the Curl

Homeowners are sticklers for functionality, particularly when it comes to the performance of their roof. The home’s top layer must, to the best of its ability, keep the elements out. But owners also want their rooftops to have an appealing appearance. By conducting regular inspections and maintenance, a qualified Orange County roofing company can go a long way to ensuring both functionality and form are up to standard. However, there are some issues that are beyond their control. One of these issues is the rooftop phenomenon known as ‘fishmouthing’.  
So what is fishmouthing? In a nutshell, fishmouthing occurs when an edge of a shingle curls upward.  It can happen on any of the edges. Generally, the issue is more visible on sloping roofs that are generously illuminated by direct sunlight. 
Fishmouthing may be caused by anything from a piece of foreign material caught under a shingle to a manufacturing defect. You may uncover the cause by enlisting a reliable Orange County roofing contractor to perform an inspection. The important thing to know, however, is that fishmouthing generally won’t hamper a shingle’s longevity, cause leaks, or otherwise negatively impact your roof. Basically, they’re an aesthetic eyesore – and that’s it.   
Should you find the site of shingle curling excruciatingly unbearable, it’s entirely possible to correct the issue. But you’ll want to do it professionally. If, for instance, you own a home in Corona Del Mar, simply call a Corona Del Mar roofing company to help. Their experts usually can press any offending curl flat and hold it firmly in place with a special glue. Problem solved. 
If you have questions about fishmouthing shingles, be sure to reach out to Luke Roofing. A long-established Orange County roofer, we provide prompt, reliable expertise for every residential roofing and commercial roofing need. No matter where you live in OC, you can count on Luke Roofing for the most efficient, reliable roofing solutions.
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